While pursuing my master’s in education at Southern Oregon University in 2012, I asked my students to write a poem as a launching point for one of their art projects. The poem form, “I am from …” provides students an opportunity to explore their lives in a very personal way.
I wrote my own “I am from …” poem as an example for my students. Writing this poem tapped into hidden memories, feelings, perceptions and realities of my childhood. And, when I read my students’ “I am from …” poems, I was awestruck by the honesty, raw emotion, pain and hope they shared.
My “I am from …” poem.
I am from….
I am from books and art all around the house,
pianos, music and dance.
Bright Christmas-light holidays and brighter 4th of July fireworks.
I am from playing kick-the-can on lightning-bug summer nights,
And riding my beloved quarter horse through summer fields.
I am from juice-dripping Stephenson’s peaches in August and fat cotton candy at Halloween.
I am from the birthday camera my father gave me, and well-worn pink ballet slippers.
I am from growing trees and planting flowers,
And thousands of Valentine’s Day roses that spoke love from my grandparent’s flower shop.
I am from many brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts and family friends;
from courageous, hardworking farmers, growers, artists, doctors, teachers, leaders, mothers, fathers.
I am from prayer, an almost-priest grandfather and a long line of entrepreneurs who dreamed and persisted.
I am from a pioneering businesswoman grandmother who raised eight children, fostered many more, loved to play the piano and paint the town red.
I am from love, intelligence and integrity;
creativity, craziness and cruelty.
I am from moments of childhood joy and promise.