While living in Oregon, my dog, Mickey had a near-death experience with bloat. Bloat (or GDV), is a life-threatening condition that can kill dogs within hours if left untreated. GDV occurs when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food or fluid causing it to expand and twist on its axis. This twisting cuts off blood supply to the stomach and other organs potentially causing death.
Thanks to the exceptional veterinarians at All Creatures Animal Hospital in Oregon, Mickey lived. While he recovered for several days in the hospital, I wrote this poem letter to him.
My Little Mickey
It’s very lonely without you here,
and this is my first night without you
in years.
Our place just isn’t the same
without your sweet face
and happy ways.
Though it seems we’re very far apart,
don’t be afraid.
We’re sleeping under the same Oregon stars.
They’ll watch over us tonight,
and tomorrow is very near.
Then you can rest your head on my shoulder
and I’ll pet your soft, soft ears.
Remember our hearts are one.
Please get well soon,
So we can run again in the sun!