Writer | Photographer

Animals and Nature

Thistles are amazing flowers. Closely related to the commercially grown globe artichoke, these prolific wildflowers are a valuable pollinator plant...

I lived in southern Oregon from 2011-2015 and the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park was an indescribably scenic hour-and-a-half drive...

Ranked fourth globally for geohazard disaster risk, Guatemala is continuously exposed to multiple hazards, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods...

The first time I looked at a peony through my macro lens, it was like looking into the universe through...

I wish you were here To see the rainbow that bridged the mountains, Moments after the morning rain. We would...

“The decision about going into veterinary medicine was made every time a new obstacle was there to tell me I...

Bailey’s heart stopped beating on the operating room table for 18 minutes, but WSU’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital emergency and critical...

“The first time I looked into a honey bee colony, I was blown away,” said Kelly Kulhanek, postdoctoral researcher with...

Today, I took a hike. Mickey whirled by in circles, as I walkedIn hills secluded,On trails sheltered,Through trees tall, scarred...

AnneMarie Hunter